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Andy King
S3 licensed
Thanks for your reply Dan but can I ask why?

Andy King
S3 licensed
Cheers Yisc
[Solved] Car Switches
Andy King
S3 licensed
Hi Guys, anyone got any idea how do I use carswitches to disable Headlights as I see


was added and SMALL_LCS to insim but not sure how and where to use it and default Lapper file doesn's have it in and can't find anything in docs?

Andy King
S3 licensed
Hi, is it possible to use Reload() to restart Lapper on another one of my servers I'm not on without closing console totally. If I edit a script while on server 2 and want to reload lapper on server 4 or all of my servers?

Can anyone tell me what the Function of setlicense() is please as can't find any info on it?

Andy King
S3 licensed
LFSLapper, Version= by Danny Stessen ( Bass-Driver )
Andy King
S3 licensed
Hi Yisc, thanks for your help again, getting this error:

Function: 'EditFile', File doesnt exist

Even though it does exist

Andy King
S3 licensed
Hi Guys, can someone help me with how to add u username to a text.txt file with each added on a separate line as tried for hours with no joy.

Andy King
S3 licensed
Hi Guys, all of a sudden about 4 hours ago I'm getting the errors below lots on the server being used anyone else got Pubstat issues?

Error on retreiving pubstat Pst info
Error on retreiving pubstat info

Andy King
S3 licensed
Quote from LakynVonLegendaus :Are you actually looking for stuff manually? Smile Any text editor can search for keywords for you. Usually Ctrl+F.

What you are looking for is in the original LFSLapper.lpr file of Lapper v7.0.6.3 at line 171. It's not inside of any event because these vars need to be checked immediately after Lapper starts/reloads, not when something triggers an event.

Yes I saw that but both myself and Yisc cannot work out why a script that works fine for him will not add data to my database so we are fault finding why my database is being ignored by certain scripts but fine with others when theirs no logical reason we can see.

Andy King
S3 licensed
Quote from LakynVonLegendaus :Check the original LFSLapper.lpr file? Looking

Hi I did that first and its not in any Event so puzzled me and I have an issue with things not writing to the StoredValueDbs so was questioning it.

Andy King
S3 licensed
Quote from sinanju :Long while ago, I made a "Race Control Manager", which included section for messages, penalties, flags, etc.

Is the bit I've done with penalties what you're looking for?

Yes very interested in seeing a copy of this Race Manager Sinanju

Andy King
S3 licensed
Hi Guys, I'm having issues with StoredValueDbs so can someone confirm where the following variables should be stored in my Lapper.lpr file......

$AdminFile = "./Text_Files/Admin_1.txt"; # Name of the file containing admin lfsname player
$StoredValueDbs = "Databases/Racing_Data"; # Name of the database in which additional values are stored
$TrackInfoFile = "trackInfo.cfg"; # Path to the TrackInfoFile used to compare splits
$TCPmode = true; # Connection to LFS in UDP mode or TCP mode
$EnableRegisterWeb = false; # When set to "true" your LFS Server is displayed on the FRH Team website

Thanks in Advance

Andy King
S3 licensed
Hi Guys, I'm sorry but the stupid thing and all the others are now working again AAARRRGGGHHH lol SORRY

Andy King
S3 licensed
Quote from Yisc[NL] :All of this said with respect and trying to educate you and/or other viewers.

Hi Yisc, totally understood and I forgot to say sorry. The cmd is working just not displaying NickName in sentence sorry. argv is username typed by me !Read John Doe

Andy King
S3 licensed
Quote from LakynVonLegendaus :That's not possible.

Thank You

Hi Guys, found another thing that won't work and cannot see whats wrong with it...

cmdLFS("/msg ^7ADMIN: " . GetPlayerVar($argv, "NickName") . " ^6READ MESSAGE BELOW...");

Andy King
S3 licensed
Hi Guys,

QUESTION: Is it possible to "openPrivTextButton" with text carried through so when text box opens in LFS its already populated with for example "/spec" so only userName is needed to be typed? Looked in changes and docs but can't find anything.

Andy King
S3 licensed
Hi Guys, I have extracted my Database into EXCEL is their a formula I can use to convert PBLapTime 101750 NumToMSH as in 1:41:75?

Answer: Divide by 86400000 and format m:ss.00

Last edited by Andy King, .
Andy King
S3 licensed
Quote from Yisc[NL] :I don't understand why you convert the globalvar from MSHToNum (value shown in DEBUG1) and then convert it from NumToMSH (value shown in DEBUG3) when you are comparing it with the laptime driven (value shown in DEBUG2) that is also converted to NumToMSH.

Hi Yisc, these scripts are very old when I was basically in the very early learning stages and I am trying to sort this type of mistake out which will help Lapper run faster. Thanks for your FULL answer its appeciated.

Andy King
S3 licensed
Hi Guys, can't work out what the error is....

EVENT OnPB($userName) # Player event
IF (NumToMSH(GetCurrentPlayerVar("LapTime")) <= NumToMSH($AS3_E)) THEN
cmdLFS("/msg ^7New PB by " . GetCurrentPlayerVar("NickName") . "^7 (" . GetCurrentPlayerVar("Car") . ") - " . NumToMSH(GetCurrentPlayerVar("LapTime")));

4/7/2019 1:35:23 AM -> Syntax error: in file ".\default\LFSLapper_1.lpr" at line #521
suspected error in order of the operators
Function 'onpb' script aborted

Line #521 is the IF Line and $AS3_E is a GlobalVar:

GlobalVar $AS3_E;
$AS3_E = MSHToNum("1.48.00");

Thanks in Advance
Andy King
S3 licensed
THANKYOU that works like a dream.

I had a Driver on my server earlier UserName "supranitrous" in FXR doing stupid speeds in silly time so banned him just to give you the heads up.

Andy King
S3 licensed
Quote from Yisc[NL] :The syntax you have used for SetUserStoredValue is wrong.
Should be like this: SetUserStoredValue( $argv, "Admin", 0 );

So, no dot after $argv but a comma.
Also a number should not be between quotes, as that would mean it would be stored as text instead of a numeric value.

I was just writing a message to say I had solved it lol. While I have your attention how do I use more than one $argv so I can type !Admin Username Level

Andy King
S3 licensed
Thanks Yisc, still struggling. I'm trying to add a Users Admin Status to database so I can have BETA Testers testing PitBoard but can't work it out how to set a Users Details...

SetUserStoredValue($argv."Admin","0"); (That sets me only)

I know thats wrong but where do I put the $argv to set a UserName? So I type !Level UserName which sets Users Stored Value to Admin 0 meaning I can manually add testers.

Thanks in Advance
Andy King
S3 licensed
Quote from Yisc[NL] :Gaps (Behind and Before) are only updated when a player crosses a sector- or finishline and then those events are triggered.

If thats true how does LFSRelax get continuous gapping information though InSim? as was trying to get info at lets say every 50 Nodes like 50 100 150 200 etc. I was basically trying to integrate an LFSRelax gapping system into my PitBoard.

Andy King
S3 licensed
Quote from Yisc[NL] :Would this work:

$Behind_NickName = GetPlayerVar( GetCurrentPlayerVar("UNameBehind"), NickName) );

I can't seem to get any of the 4 Player Variables to work...

UNameBehind, // UserName of the player behind you in race
GapBehind, // Gap between you and player behind you in race
UnameBefore, // The username of the player before you in race
GapBefore, // Gap between you and the player before you in race

Don't understand what I'm doing wrong. Is it OK the use a "RegisterNodeAction("PitBoard","AS3",471,PitBoard_Node,"");" to call these Variables each time the Node is passed? by opening a button with the info in it as it works fine with my SpeedTraps?

Andy King
S3 licensed
Quote from Yisc[NL] :I've looked into the code and think this should do what you want:

$Behind_NickName = GetPlayerVar( getplayerinfo("UNameBehind"), NickName) );

Cheers but that doesn't seem to work and tried all afternoon to get this to work and had no luck so any more help would be appreciated.
